Thursday, April 21, 2011

Jesse Jackson Jr. says iPad is killing writing, costing jobs

Illinois Democratic congressman and iPad owner Jesse Jackson Jr. has turned on the gadget he used to love. Last month, Jackson gushed over how wonderful the iPad could be for the U.S. education system. Yet just Friday, Jackson said the iPad can be “responsible for eliminating thousands of American jobs.” Post resource – Jesse Jackson Jr. says iPad is killing publishing, costing jobs by MoneyBlogNewz.

Jackson claims goodbye to publishing

Seeing the textbookless campuses growing and the bankrupt Border Books annoyed the Illinois junior congressman. He states it is the iPad’s carelessness.

“What becomes of publishing companies and publishing company jobs?” Jackson asked the House. “What becomes of bookstores and librarians and all of the jobs associated with paper? Well, in the not-too-distant future, such jobs simply won’t exist.”

Jackson made even more comments. He said that iPad parts come too much from China.

“There is no protection for jobs here in America to ensure that the American people are being put to work.”

United States receiving help

According to Business Insider, there are some things Jackson isn’t considering. He is forgetting the iPad has helped out many industries outside of Apple. According to MarketCues, there is so much the iPad can do. It can help get billion dollar industries going. Publishers could have many myriad opportunities making up interactive textbooks without costing too much to students because of the e-readers and iPad.

It was expected that traditional publishing was to change. According to @Craigmod, the evolution was needed. It could be more helpful to have e-books to conserve on paper and give the books instantly. Morgan Stanley points out that with the over $2 billion in revenue on the iPad every quarter, over 65 percent of owners use the device to read books.

Changing all to tablets

Unlike Jesse Jackson Jr., publishers are likely to have to adapt. Amazon already sells more e-books than print books (per late 2010 figures). iPad users are in support of it. YUDU Media states that iPad users, in comparison to desktop computer browsers, will spend 30 times more time on websites such as, and There were more iPad apps sold than Wired print editions. This is what late 2010 figures showed.

The commercial for the iPad says, “It’s already a revolution, and it’s only just begun.” There is no longer an invitation for Jesse Jackson Jr.

Articles cited


The Hill

Huffington Post

Market Cues

Neiman Journalism Blog

Publishing Perspectives

Real Clear Politics

TSTC Publishing’s Book Business Blog

YUDU Media

Economies evolve, pontificators pontificate

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