In the race for Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s seat, Republican primary winner Sharron Angle from Nevada is riding her tea party credentials in what her supporters hope could be a move to clear the old guard out of Washington. You see, certain statements in Sharron Angle’s political war chest are attracting their fair share of controversy or embarrassment. The LA Times reports that the previous schoolteacher and member of the Church of Scientology first wants to get rid of Social Security for the youthful employed. Admittedly, that may only be semi-controversial, as Social Security isn’t doing so well in recent years. What raises the hairs on the back of right-wing Republican necks are Sharron Angle’s opinions about education, prohibition and spas for prison inmates.
Resource for this article: Sharron Angle wins Nevada GOP primary, wants Prohibition By Personal Money Store
Sharron Angle says no to federal education control
According to her campaign site, Sharron Angle wants the Department of Education to disband on grounds that the federal organization is unconstitutional. Numerous failed programs that make an effort to be everything to everybody don’t work and simply create trouble, she believes. Sharron Angle believes that alternative education choices like home schooling, money now vouchers and charter schools are a better option for Nevada (and America’s) children.
Back with a temperance
Sharron Angle’s views on alcohol are possibly one of the most controversial thing that could hurt her election chances. Alcohol, said Angle in a 2006 interview for Liberty Watch, should be dealt with by law enforcement and the legal system much in the very same way as marijuana, reports Slash Politics. That would make alcohol as illegal as it was during Prohibition. This is particularly odd, considering that Sharron Angle is running out of Nevada, the land of Las Vegas. Angle spokesman Jerry Stacy tried to cover up the damage she did with her statement, but it still hasn’t gone away.
Spa treatments for inmates
Also on the odd side, Sharron Angle has spoken out numerous times against the use of psychiatric drugs, in concert with her Scientologist beliefs. Talking Points Memo reports that her belief in this is strong enough to prompt her to make an effort to “gain support for a prison drug rehabilitation program that would involve prisoners quitting drugs cold turkey, with saunas and massages as part of treatment”. This comes straight from Church of Scientology beliefs, and Sharron Angle has reportedly supported the notion on multiple occasions.
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