Friday, October 22, 2010

Plan of Top Gun 2 movie might be a poor choice

A perfect date movie made 20 years ago, “Top Gun” contains romance and drama, along with lots of gunfights. Now, talks have been opened to perhaps create “Top Gun 2.” “Top Gun 2″ may reunite Tom Cruise, Jerry Bruckheimer and Tony Scott.

Paramount begins ‘Top Gun’ 2 talks

A follow up called “Top Gun 2″ might come out. Paramount Pictures has started this rumor. The film production business has reportedly pulled in Viacom executives. The film’s original producer and director, Jerry Burckheimer and Tony Scott, will be pulled in by Viacom so they would be the first to know. The gossip of who’ll write the script is Christopher McQuarrie who supposedly wrote the Cruise “Valkyrie.”.

Cruise’s role in ‘Top Gun 2′

The rumors of “Top Gun 2″ have had Tom Cruise in them. He already has been in the conversation. If the movie gets the green light, he will nearly certainly be reprising his role as “Maverick.”. There would be a different part for Maverick though. He’d be responsible for something else within the “Top Gun 2″ movie. Instead, Maverick would likely be a flight instructor. This will be played off like the “Dirty Dancing 2″ film. An appearance of the main stars will occur as a throwback although it won’t star the very same people.

Will ‘Top Gun 2′ really be coming out?

Of course, “Top Gun 2″ is currently standing at “just a rumor” status. The New York Magazine reports on this very issue. It states that it probably will come out still. Jerry Bruckheimer was asked if there was a Top Gun 2 movie possibility. He said there would not be a Top Gun 2 movie as he laughed. Bruckheimer has additionally been talking, though, about how much aviation training has lately changed, with air-gun fights no longer being the standard. Some wonder whether “Top Gun 2″ might feature the gamer-like training of computer screens and joysticks or show the in-air training with live fire. Either way, “Top Gun 2″ may very well prove to be yet an additional ’80s remake that goes directly to DVD.


Pop Crunch

Long Island Press

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