Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Russian spy swap, sponsored by Vision Airlines?

A private charter jet from Vision Airlines represented the United States during this morning’s spy swap. The contract for this flight was picked up by the charter company that usually runs escape flights. Some are questioning the use of a private charter business for government business.

Article resource: Vision Airlines – US Government flies Russian spies in style by Personal Money Store

Spies swapped using Vision Airlines

In a moment that looked like a scene from a spy movie than anything else, a Vision Airlines jet and a Russian Emergency Ministry jet met up on a tarmac in Vienna. Ten accused Russian agents got on the Russian plane while four “Western sympathizers” got on the Vision Airlines jet. The biggest post-Cold War era spy drama was hopefully over once both planes took off.

The Vision Airlines choice

A few questions are raised over why the US chose a luxury charter jet instead of an official airplane. An official Russian plane was used for the transfer. Was the U.S. Government trying to pamper the agents that were being brought back? Was every other plane within the entire United States already taken? It is possible that both the United States and Russia agreed to not use military planes, just in case. Either way, the choice of a luxury charter jet to swap spies is an interesting one. No word on if the several thousand dollar flight fee was donated, or if the bill is going to the government. Donation may are the best option, since the Vision Airlines traffic is getting so much traffic it has crashed.

Keeping tepid relations going

According to Rahm Emanuel’s discussion with PBS’s “NewsHour,” the President was “briefed” on the spy swap decision. Avoiding as much conflict as possible seemed to be one of the biggest goals of the decisions made. Both countries have said that they really want to try and “warm up” relations.

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