The ruling on Wednesday shows one thing. The Golden state senate doesn’t want the plastic ban. There were numerous people that supported the bar in California. These include grocers, Republican Arnold Schwartzenegger and retailers. Plastic industry lobbyists wanted the ban to pass. Many individuals within the world use plastic bags. These are usually for groceries. Plastic bags are being considered a human hazard to health when killing an incredible number of birds and marine animals as they can’t degrade. Republicans and some Democrats opposed to the California plastic bag ban said it created an undue burden on consumers.
Plastic bag issues in California
Plastic bags wouldn’t be allowed in stores in California anymore if the bill passed. It would be the first state with the ban. The Silicon Valley Mercury News reports that the bill was inspired by growing public awareness of plastic garbage hazards. Each year, 1 million plastic bags pollute the San Francisco Bay. This was explained by Conserve the Bay. Each year, Californians use 19 billion plastic bags. This was shown by state officials. Collecting plastic bags for landfills costs the state a lot. In fact, it costs about $25 million a year. Chevron, Dow and ExxonMobil are all incorporated in a group called the American Chemistry Council. This group thinks there shouldn’t be any kind of change since the state, with an $18 billion spending budget deficit already, would need to pay $1.7 million for it.
Purchasing state politician votes from business of plastic
In California, the plastic bag ban has opposition. This came from the American Chemistry Council mostly. According to the Miami Herald, the group is actually in Virginia although it funds all of the opposition in The Golden State with environmental bills anything that is anti-plastic. The council produced a costly TV and radio ad campaign against the plastic bag bill and wrote a bundle of checks to politicians. In August at least seven state senators collected campaign donations directly from the council or its affiliates Exxon and Hilex Poly Co., a South Carolina plastic bag manufacturer.
Why and why not with the plastic bag ban
The California plastic bag ban was created to encourage shoppers to use reusable totes. Bans on plastic bags are already in place in some places in California. San Francisco is one of the places. The bill was authored by assemblywoman Julia Brownley who explained to ABC News that changing habits of shoppers is a better approach than cleaning up the mess. It was explained to ABC News. This came from Republican Senator Mimi Walters who said that “If we pass this piece of legislation, we will be sending a message to the people of California that we care more about banning plastic bags than helping them put food on their table.”
The Good Pacific Garbage Patch
There was an estimate by the Environmental Protection Agency of how many plastic bags were made in 2008. About 90 percent of those were tossed. They were just thrown away. According to the Wall Street Journal, the United States goes through 100 billion plastic buying bags annually at an estimated cost to retailers of $4 billion. A U.N. study from 2006 stated that 10 percent of the world’s plastic accumulates in the ocean. The Good Pacific Garbage Patch is what we call the place with the most there. There is about 3.5 million tons of trash about the size of Texas there.
Silicon Valley Mercury News and nclick_check=1
Miami Herald
ABC News and page=1
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