Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Stay away from bad keyword density

Keyword density is the percentage of how numerous times your keywords appear within the text of your webpage compared to the total word count on the page. It has a powerful role in articles because keywords choose the quality of articles and the way well they will rank in search engine results. Post resource – SEO Keyword Density – sometimes less is more by

A known practice of keyword use you want to avoid

It is believed by numerous SEO copywriters that using a keyword or phrase multiple times throughout an article will increase their chances of getting a better positioning on the Web. Nevertheless, this is far from the truth, and this practice could actually cause more harm than good. For example, Google has a keyword density requirement. If you’re seeking to take over the first page of search results for your targeted keyword, you’ll have to abide by its conditions in order to rank well.

Keyword stuffing is not a good idea

Numerous new SEO optimizers may be tempted to use the very same keyword or phrase over and over to try and rank number one for that unique keyword they are targeting. This method is known as “keyword flooding,” where the writer overloads the content, such as the Meta tags of the web page, with each possible keyword or phrase related to the site in multiple ways. It is obviously evident that the keyword density in this method is far from balanced. Probably any content generated through this practice can be classified as spam, from your readers to all the search engine algorithms. When the search engine crawler arrives to examine your site, its algorithm can quickly determine whether a keyword or phrase is being used an unreasonable number of times, hence the term “keyword stuffing.” The results of keyword flooding could involve a severe drop in web ranking and a complete removal of your site from the search engine index.

The right keyword density

In my opinion, if you write an article that’s 300 to 400 words long, the main keyword or phrase should appear no more than six to eight times. Do not use the keyword in each and every other sentence or in the exact same paragraph. Google in specific allows no more than two percent of a web page’s words to contain targeted keywords. So when you have an article that is 500 words long, you can use the keyword 10 times, at a maximum. The allowed keyword density percentage varies with different search engines. Yahoo and MSN, for instance, may allow up to five percent. There are many free online tools that will help you determine the keyword density of your web page.

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