Full body scanning device pictures of private people made it to the internet today. The leak had been made possible by a FL U.S. Marshall who saved more than 35,000 of the scans. Storing them had been a violation of federal strategy. As the body scanning issue as grown more heated, The Transportation Security Administration has been assuring air travelers the images are never saved for future prying eyes. Resource for this article – Full body scanner images expose private individuals on the web by Money Blog Newz.
Full body scanner images leaked to the public
People have an angry uproar worse than ever right now. This was because Gizmodo posted 100 full body scanner images on its site recently. All the photos were collected in a Florida federal courthouse by a U.S. Marshall. The Freedom of Information Act allowed this request to go through. The ESA body scanner rules for personal privacy are being confronted by the underscores being saved although the low resolution images were taken by a "millimeter wave scanner" that doesn't show anything, reports Gizmodo.
Breaking Transportation Security Administration body scanner rules
The full body scanner images taken by the “z-backscatter scanners” at airports more revealing than the low-res images. On its website, the Transportation Security Administration body scanner rules say its imaging technology “cannot store, print, transmit or save the image, and the image is automatically deleted from the system after it is cleared by the remotely located security officer.” If those operating the "porno scanners" as they’re called aren't abiding by TSA rules then the full body images can obviously circulate, according to Gizmodo.
Private people, private parts
Full body scanner imaging had been initiated by the TSA in 2007. Today it operates scanners at 68 airports in the U.S. Advanced z-backscatter imaging shoots air travelers with an ionizing X-ray beam to create an image of their naked body. In addition to a violation of privacy, people are concerned about the radiation exposure from the machines. So far the TSA has been impervious to those arguments. Private parts of those going through the z-backscatter are bound to be shown soon. The web will likely get a hold of these pictures soon enough.
PC World
Fox News
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