Based on Live Science, a recent Pepperdine University research indicates that females as young as 3 years old are already worried regarding watching their weight. Being slender is one thing in which girls are "emotionally invested," states the research, possibly even at toddler age. Child psychologists find the outcomes to be disturbing, as human body unhappiness concerns have been connected to the occurrence of eating disorders.
Everyone wants to be slender
Lead researcher Jennifer Harriger told Live Science that worrying about being thin has actually been linked in numerous other studies to both eating problems and depression. Harriger explains surely it is an issue with viewing those who are overweight in rude manners since bullying in ways like weight hazing can start up.
Human body appearance needs to be comprehended by females
The age of females included in the study was generally not old enough for the children to verbalize complex thoughts and feelings, so Harriger had to use innovative methods. In order to be aware of whether girls favored skinny types or unwanted fat types, the preschoolers responded to 3 figures identical in every way except human body size – skinny, average and fat. With each, the children were asked to associate six positive and six negative adjectives. "Mean, stupid, no friends, sloppy, ugly and loud" were all the selections for negative descriptors. "Nice, wise, friends, neat, cute and quiet" were all the good ones.
Those who were larger typically got 1.2 positive and 3.1 negative. On the additional hand, 2.7 optimistic and 1.2 negative were given to those who were thinner. When the girls were shown three of each human body type and had to circle the 3 they’d most like to play with and one they’d want as a best friend, the preschoolers chose skinny most often in both scenarios. The girls were given more scenarios. The results were nearly always the same though.
Commercials reinforce slender ideas
Harriger explained the connection between staying beautiful and skinny for The United States is something that is very ingrained. Commercial communications are pervasive, perhaps even for preschoolers. What would be more productive would be to stress health instead of becoming thin or excess fat. Parents limiting mainstream media exposure, modeling healthy eating habits, exercising and practicing good talk promotes healthier lifestyles.
Articles cited
Live Science
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