Monday, November 1, 2010

Suspicious packages cause UPS shutdown of deliveries

Airports have been put on high alert. A UPS plane in the United Kingdom was found to have a suspicious package. UPS planes and trucks across the United States have also been delayed for further inspection. The package that was found seemed to be innocuous. It had been a “manipulated” toner cartridge for a printer. Resource for this article – UPS planes around the world examined for suspicious packages by Personal Money Store.

Delays with UPS throughout whole world

U.S. airports were put on high alert this morning. Thursday evening a suspicious package had been found within the a United Kingdom UPS plane which has led to this. Inspection had to occur in all cargo flights in Newark and Philadelphia along with a UPS truck in New York. Any packages and flights from Yemen specifically are being checked. This is the purpose of all of this. Working together is the transportation Security Administration and UPS officials. This is being done so all suspicious shipments can be removed.

Bomb squads called in to examine UPS shipments

A toner cartridge had been in the plane that was first postponed in the U.K.. They’re still testing the toner cartridge despite the fact that it had been negative for exploses. There is still going to be a bomb squad in on this. They will be within the New York area looking at a UPS truck. There is a pretty small risk coming with these packages.

Acting out of an abundance of caution

There is going to be a huge search of UPS trucks and planes. "Out of an abundance of caution," this is all being done. Airports are not being shut down, however, as the risk is believed to be relatively small. Freight distribution may be delayed for a few days, but the overall impact could be pretty small. There is a slight delay in the UPS cargo flights and UPS trucks. That doesn't mean you should worry that it could have any kind of effect on you.

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